A Simple Indonesian Geographic Coordinate Conversion Between Degrees to Degree-Minute-Second (DMS)

Recently i have a simple GIS project which force me to display an Indonesian DMS coordinate format, instead of the usual decimal format. This is a simple utility class i used to do convertion.

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class DegreeConverterTest {

    public static final String LONGITUDE = "longitude";
    public static final String LATITUDE = "latitude";

    public DegreeConverterTest(String testName) {

    public static void main(String a[]) {
        System.out.println(degree2DMS(-8.857, LATITUDE));
        System.out.println(degree2DMS(10.645, LATITUDE));
        System.out.println(degree2DMS(135.696, LONGITUDE));

    public static String degree2DMS(double coordinate, String mode) {
        String dms = "";

        char degree = '\u00B0';
        int degLong, minLongA;
        double minLong, secLong;
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,###,####0.0000");

        if (LONGITUDE.equals(mode)) {
            // minus is BB (Bujur Barat or west longitude)
            // plus is BT (Bujur Timur of east longitude)
            degLong = (int) coordinate;
            minLong = (coordinate % 1) * 60;
            minLongA = (int) minLong;
            secLong = (minLong % 1) * 60;
            String secLongAs = String.valueOf(df.format(secLong));
            dms = degLong + degree + " " + minLongA + "' " + secLongAs + "\" BT";
        } else if (LATITUDE.equals(mode)) {
            // minus is LS (Lintang Selatan or south latitude)
            // plus is LU (Lintang Utara or north latitude)
            boolean isMinus = true;
            String minusDegree = "LS";
            degLong = (int) coordinate;
            String degLongS = String.valueOf(degLong);
            if (degLongS.contains("-")) {
                degLongS = degLongS.replace("-", "");
            } else {
                isMinus = false;
                minusDegree = "LU";

            minLong = (coordinate % 1) * 60;
            minLongA = (int) minLong;
            String minLongAs = String.valueOf(minLongA);
            if (isMinus) {
                minLongAs = minLongAs.replace("-", "");

            secLong = (minLong % 1) * 60;
            String secLongAs = String.valueOf(df.format(secLong));
            if (isMinus) {
                secLongAs = secLongAs.replace("-", "");

            dms = degLongS + degree + " " + minLongAs + "' " + secLongAs + "\" " + minusDegree;
        return dms;

And this is the output i got on my netbeans’ console

8° 51' 25.2000" LS
10° 38' 42.0000" LU
311 41' 45.6000" BT

2 thoughts on “A Simple Indonesian Geographic Coordinate Conversion Between Degrees to Degree-Minute-Second (DMS)”

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